Do you know 5 minute run is more effective than you think
When it comes to jogging, many people may think that they have to run for a long time to get good results, right?... Well, it's true, but many people may not think that just 5-10 minutes of running can have a huge positive effect on the body. with the body
Based on research from Duck-Chul D.C Lee, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Motion Sciences University of Iowa It has been collecting statistics and research for more than 15 years! The research indicates that People who jog regularly are 30% less likely to suffer from chronic illnesses. They are also more likely to live longer.
And compared to other types of exercise, there were studies that divided people exercising into four groups:
1. Inactive Non-Runners, people who do not run and do not exercise at all. (The criteria used is 500 MET-min/week, or equivalent to 75 minutes of intense exercise per week.)
2.Inactive Runners A group of people who like to run and do not exercise other types. or a little out of less than 500 MET-min/week
3.Active Non-Runners A group of people who do other exercises but do not run.
4.Active Runners: A group of people who both run and exercise up to 500 MET-min/week.
The conclusion of the study was that the fourth group of people who enjoyed running and exercise were more likely to live longer than all groups. or compared to group 1, who did not jog or exercise, group 4 was 43% less likely to die, and when group 2 and 3 were compared among themselves, group 2 was more likely to live longer than group 3. yes
This is just information from one study only. It may not be valid for all. But believe that exercise, whether more or less. (But don't overdo it.) It's definitely good for our body. Just 5 minutes of running can keep us healthy, away from the risk of disease. Complaining friends don't have time to try. Let's run. 5-10 minutes is definitely meaningful.
“Good health is not for sale. I want to do it myself."
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